Nama'a Relief & Development medical teams at Marina Plaza Hotel

This initiative, sponsored by Tala Bay and the Arab Potash Company, was organized in partnership with the Nama'a Relief and Development Association and the Arab Medical Relief Society. The charitable medical campaign involved collaboration with numerous civil society organizations. The campaign covered seven residential clusters in the South Jordan Valley and villages in Aqaba, spanning from November 18 to November 24, 2023. The medical teams provided services through a mobile clinic equipped with dental and women's health clinics. The medical staff included specialists in women's health, pediatrics, dermatology, family medicine, and dentistry. The campaign also featured the participation of the Hussein Cancer Center through a breast cancer awareness program. Targeting beneficiaries in areas such as Ghor Al-Safi, Ghor Fifa, Rahma, Rashidiya, and Wadi Rum, the campaign additionally included two medical days within the city of Aqaba. Over 3500 citizens benefited from this medical campaign, receiving examinations and treatment services.